Sunday, August 30, 2009

Journey to Etsy Success (the first days)

First thing I did was create a product that I am truly passionate about. You have to be passionate about what you do b/c it takes a lot of work and sometimes long hours. So my husband and I created a product and I wore some earrings to work. Immediately I was getting compliments and when I told them my husband and I made them, I was getting orders. Therefore, Step 2 is "Test your product with a small group". We then were busy at work trying to fill the orders I had made :) and we made extras b/c we were beginning to think we might have something here. I then posted pictures on Facebook for my family and friends to see. Again I immediately had peole emailing me asking to purchase them (without even knowing the price). Step 3 "Market to your friends and family" After that, I knew I was ready to open an Etsy store. I created an account and listed 12 items and then began listing 1 item daily so I would at least be on the first few pages a couple of minutes a day. Step 4 "list one item daily" Lastly, when my friends and family wanted to purchase something, I directed them to my Etsy store to start showing sales and feedback to let everyone know I was legate. Step 5 "ask friends and family to purchase from you on etsy" Now there are many more things I have done. I will tell you a few more tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Journey to Etsy Success (Part 1)

For a couple of weeks now, I have been trying to come up with what I would blog about. I live a normal life, exciting to me as I watch my kids grow, but probably pretty boring to everyone else. When it was recommended to me to start a blog to help promote by etsy store, I was terrified (ok maybe an exaggeration but you get the point). How was I going to write something that would intrigue people to follow me and visit my store and more importantly, not scare them off. Well, I hope that I have figured it out. I will blog about my daily activities that will take me to success with Etsy and hopefully, give you ideas to try. Also, if anyone does read this, please comment with your ideas. My blog will be dedicated to helping individuals run a successful Etsy Store. So here I go!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

New pieces

Tonight I have been busy creating new pieces to add to our store. Please visit tomorrow to see what is new.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

the beginning

August 15, 2009

Today I start my blog. Please bare with me. I started an etsy store on July 25, 2009. I was going out on a limb b/c I had not heard much about etsy before then. Since, I have slowly learned and continue to learn the ins and outs of it all.

My etsy store consists of wooden jewelry that my husband and I make. He is a Luthier and builds custom acoustic guitars. He uses the left over wood to carve the earrings. It is my job then, to hand sand and polish each piece. Please check them out at This weekend we are offering free shipping.