Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Journey to etsy success

I have been so busy making products that I have neglected my blog. I was suppose to be in a craft show last Saturday, but it got rained out and postponed to 10/10.

So where did I leave off, oh yes having friends and family purchase off Etsy. Ok after that, I begin entering Etsy chat rooms. I first tried the 5 minutes of Featured Seller rooms, but they did not work to well for me. However if you have a product that is $5 or less, FS rooms are a great way to make sales. I found that I was spending more money then making. :) Then I just started entering chat rooms. People post pictures of eachother's items and you chat about whatever. This has not increased my sales, but has increased my hearts. I also began reading the forums in Etsy and adding my 2 cents here or there. That is a great way to get your shop known. Take the time to do it. Use the tools that Etsy has to offer.

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